(circa December 21)
The altar is adorned with evergreens such as pine,
rosemary, bay, juniper and cedar,
and the same can be laid
to mark the Circle of Stones. Dried leaves can also be
placed on the altar.
The cauldron,
resting on the altar on a heat-proof
surface (or placed before it if too large), should be
filled with ignitable spirit
(alcohol), or a red candle can
be placed within it. At outdoor rites, lay a fire within
the cauldron to be lit during
Arrange the altar, light the candles and incense, and
cast the Circle of Stones.
Recite the Blessing Chant.
the Goddess and God.
Stand before the cauldron and gaze within it. Say
these or similar words:
I sorrow not,
though the world is wrapped in sleep.
I sorrow not,
the icy winds blast.
I sorrow not,
though the snow falls hard and deep.
I sorrow not,
this too shall soon be past.
Ignite the cauldron (or candle), using long matches or
a taper. As the flame(s) leap
up say:
I light this fire in Your honor,
Mother Goddess
You have created life from death;
from cold;
The Sun lives once again;
the time of light is waxing.
ever-returning God of the Sun!
Mother of All!
Circle the altar and cauldron slowly, clockwise,
watching the flames. Say the following
chant for some time:
The wheel turns; the power burns.
Meditate upon the Sun, on the hidden energies lying
dormant in winter, not only in
the Earth but within
ourselves. Think of birth not as the start of life but as
its continuance. Welcome the return of
the God.
After a time cease and stand once again before the
altar and flaming caldron. Say:
Great God of the Sun,
I welcome Your return.
May You shine brightly upon the
may You shine brightly upon the Earth,
scattering seeds and fertilizing the land.
All blessings upon You,
One of the Sun!
Works of magick, if necessary, may follow.
Celebrate the Simple Feast.
The circle
is released.