As I stated on the first page, I am a 27 year old Cancerian following the Wiccan path.
On this page I will tell you more about me, my likes & dislikes, and how I came to walk the path I have chosen.
I hope that I don't bore you to death!
I was born & raised in Sarasota, FL, and I am a 5th generation Floridian. I
took for granted being five minutes away from the Gulf of Mexico while I lived there, as a matter of fact, I hated the heat
& humidity, the sand, the salt water....just about everything. But then again I was young, and I think that everyone
hates their hometown when they are that age, and can't wait to get out in fear of wasting away there. Now I long to
be able to go to the beach, and sit in my favorite "thinking spot". My thinking spot was a place away from the public
beach. It was a place where I could get away, and feel like I was the only person on earth. There was a concrete
staircase a short distance out in the water, just past where the waves broke. I think that it was a remnant of a old
hotel that used to be on the beach before a hurricane swept it away. You could sit there for hours, the spray hitting
your face, and even if someone should happen to come by, they would never know you were there. I loved to go to the
beach at night, especially if it was a full moon. The reflection the moon made on the water made it look as if there
was a silver bridge that you could follow into oblivion. I missed those things.
I moved to Georgia about 5 years ago. I liked it there, too. Growing
up in Florida, the biggest city I ever saw was Tampa, and so seeing Atlanta for the first time left me in awe. I got
to see mountains for the very first time in my whole life, too, and I loved it. I still love to go into nature and reflect
on how beautiful it is. To revel in all it's sounds, sights, creatures & smells. I love being in the woods
when it starts to rain. The smell of the earth as the rain first hits it, watching the raindrops make their way down
through the trees to nourish all the life below.
I guess that, among other reasons is why I am most drawn to the Wiccan path. I have always
held a great fascination in nature and the power it has. I believe that everything has it's own energy, and that when
you pass on from this life, your energy returns. I believe in being a good person, and by being so, living a fulfilling
life. I know that in a perfect world, everyone would learn to live with the Earth, not just on it,
and that everyone would be accepted for who and what they truly are reguardless of faith, race, or sexual preference.
I know that just by believing what I do, that I can make a change, no matter how small.
I am mainly drawn to Celtic & Native American ways, although I plan to study about a lot
of different paths. Knowledge is power, and I intend to learn all I can. I belonged to a Coven in Georgia
called Sacred Earth Sanctuary. They are a fun-loving, like-minded group of individuals that get together to celebrate
the Esbats & Sabbats, just to hang out and have fun, craft or go to various festivals together. I love them dearly,
and they are like a second family to me. You can find the link to the website on my home page.
I am now living back in FL. Upon my return, one of the first things I did was go to the
my spot. You can imagine my disbelief when I saw that the stairs and seawalls were no longer there, they had been torn
down, and the beach opened up and well as dredged.
Now that you know a little more about me, I hope that you will take the time to sign my Book
of Visitors to tell me how you like my site, and a little about yourself.
Blessed Be!