One of the Greater Sabbats, also known as Lammas or the Feast of Bread. This holiday marks
the time of the first harvest. The sun loses its strength and the nights grow longer. The God is dying, and yet lives on inside
the Goddess as her child. The God is now seen in the seed, in the grain, and is remembered and honored with the first loaves
of bread.
Moon Blessing or Second Mead moon
Symbols Full moon
Goddess Mother
Colors Red, Gold, Orange, Green
Traditional Foods First Harvest Fruit, Apples, Grains, Breads, Berries, Potatoes Herbs Hollyhock,
Heather, Sloe
Incense Rose, Sandalwood same as oils below
Oils rose, jasmine, carnation, lilac, gardenia
Gemstone Carnelian.
Gemstones Citrine, Amber, Tourmaline, Yellow Diamond, Peridot
Deities Tammuz,
Demeter, Persephone, Cerridwen, Faunus
Focus of Lammas:
Now is the time to
teach what you have learned, to share the fruits of your achievements with the world.