One of the Greater Sabbats. The God has reached manhood, and the Goddess is ready to receive
him as her lover. This holiday celebrates the union of the Goddess and the God, and is a major fertility festival. The maypole
is wrapped with ribbons to symbolize this union. Fields and livestock are blessed, and people jump bonefires to ensure luck.
Moon Seed Moon, Hare Moon, and Bright Moon
Symbols Balefires,
Maypole, Ankh
Gods/Goddess Pan, Eros, Artemis, Diana, Aphrodite, Bacchus, and all Fertility Deities
Colors Red,
White, Pink and Greens,
Traditional Foods Green Herbal Salads, Red Fruits, Wine, Oatmeal or Barley cakes,
Red or Pink Punch
Herbs and Growths Pine, Hawthorn, Rosemary, Frankincense, Almond, Angelica, Marigold, Lilac,
Bluebells, Daisy
Incense Lilac, Pine, Rose
Gemstones Emerald, Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Sapphire
Focus of Beltane Beltane is a
time of self-discovery, love, union and developing your potential for personal growth. It is a time to look outward and forward
to the future, and to prepare for the warm summer months ahead.